More About Ronald
Hello, today is my 64th birthday, and I thought this would be a great opportunity for you to learn a little about me. I was born at 9:00 p.m. on May 15, 1957 at the 6407th United States Air Force Hospital, in Tachikawa Air Force Base, Japan. I am a...
Fear God, Avoid Evil and Maintain Your Integrity
In the poetic Book of Job we learn that the trials of Job tested his fear of God, tested if he would avoid evil, and tested whether he would maintain his integrity. Job's trials began when the Sabeans fell upon all of Job's sons and daughters. They killed the servants...
Moses, the Servant of the LORD: Liberator, Leader and Lawgiver Part 4
In Part 3, I shared with you where Moses is cited in the Book of Exodus. At the conclusion of this four-part blog series we’ll look at where the liberator, leader and lawgiver is cited in the books of Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. I’ll also mention the...
Moses, the Servant of the LORD: Liberator, Leader and Lawgiver Part 3
In Part 2, I shared with you about Moses’ character and the plagues. In addition to noting the possible significance of these ten plagues I also shared what movie, “Exodus: Gods and Kings,” I think best depicted them. Let’s now look at how/where the liberator, leader...
Moses, the Servant of the LORD: Liberator, Leader and Lawgiver Part 2
In Part 1, I shared with you about Moses’ beginnings and Moses’ mission. Let’s now look at the liberator, leader and lawgivers character. What were the ten plagues, where are they found in Scripture, and what was Pharaoh’s reaction to them? Part 2 will answer those...
Moses, the Servant of the LORD: Liberator, Leader and Lawgiver – Part 1
The Holy Bible tells us that the LORD called Moses to liberate Hebrew slaves from Egypt after 430 years of Egyptian bondage. The LORD appointed him to lead the Hebrews through the desert for about 40 years. The LORD presented to the lawgiver The Ten Commandments, plus...
Daniel was a Survivor
Daniel was a child of Israel (Dan. 1:3) who survived the siege of Jerusalem (Dan. 1:1). He survived an estimated 900-mile trip to Babylon. Not only did he survive not eating the king's food (Dan. 1:12-16), but he thrived (Dan. 1:15) eating pulse (edible plant seeds)...
Noah Preached Righteousness, and So Must We
In my “Noah, Preparer of the Ark” book I write that Noah was “a preacher of righteousness,” in accordance with 2 Peter 2:5. Using this verse in 2 Peter in “Chapter 6: Noah Preacher of Righteousness” I also meld the 17 works of the flesh and nine fruit of the Spirit...
We Look Self-Righteously Who the LORD Uses, But the LORD Also Uses Us
If we were Israelites spies Joshua sent out ”to spy secretly” and ”view the land, even Jericho,” would we had proudly said, “we can't let Rahab hide us under the stalks of flax, which she laid on the roof,” she's a scandalous harlot? If we were Naomi would we had told...
I Witness By Singing Christian Songs
After exiting my office suite to run errands during my lunch break yesterday afternoon, I selected “Let the Old Man Die,” the ninth song from Parable’s 1975 “More Than Words” album.I had already inserted my AirPods in my ears when I got on the elevator at the seventh...